
Hardware and software system that is intended for processing video and further transmission it to an oper


OS: linux4tegra
Qt 5.12
OpenCV 4.4

Business challenge

The point was to create the military technology that will perform the shooting of the territory by a flying object, getting a real stream of video recording and enables further work with the obtained data after flights.


We had done complex project, that consists of 3 parts. The first part of the project is a flying object’s software that performs the following functions:2 cameras control(zoom, angle, etc.), receiving a stream (video) from cameras, recording data from the camera and thermal imager, recording video stream to the internal memory of the hardware and software complex, synchronization of two video streams, stabilization of video stream in real mode ,working with the metadata of the video stream and it’s transfer to a station, working with the map during a stream (highlighting objects on the map). The second part of the project is a software product for post processing of the received data : functionality of an orthophoto plan construction, playback of received videos, editing images taken after flight or taken during video playback, reports based on flight data, remote flight control mode. The third part is taken for developing an electronic board that has all the necessary inputs and outputs to connect with the equipment.